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Los Angeles, CA | (310) 717-2000



Independent AMSOIL Authorized Dealer in Los Angeles Serving the U.S. and Canada the Best Synthetic Engine Oils, Why is AMSOIL not Sold in Stores?

So, why is AMSOIL not sold in stores? ; Because AMSOIL is one of the finer things in life, exclusive and a little bit rare. ; Just like gold, diamonds, Lamborghinis and Bugattis; AMSOIL is at the top, the highest quality, the best performance. ; While this is definitely true, there are other reasons why AMSOIL is not sold in stores.

AMSOIL is a direct sales company. ; AMSOIL is also the factory manufacturer. ; AMSOIL does not use the mass-market, regular ; typical wholesale-to-retail distribution and sales style, networks and channels. ; Instead, (like many other companies nowadays actually) AMSOIL uses their independent, authorized dealers (like ME) to sell their higher quality products directly to our customers, retail accounts (small retail stores, shops and/or service garages), and commercial accounts (fleets, contractors, equipment owners/operators, etc.). ; This is the physical, primary, logistical reason why AMSOIL is not sold in stores. ;

Another reason why AMSOIL is not sold in stores is because the founder, Al Amatuzio (RIP, 1924-2017), specifically chose this distribution and sales option for very good reasons (for the economy and for the customers) "to support small business, help the 'little' guy". ; As a privately-held company (not a public corporation owned by ruthless share-holders), AMSOIL is NOT legally required to put profits ahead of all other concerns: share-holder profits at the expense of product quality, share-holder profits at the expense of 'Commercial Account' discounts, ;share-holder profits at the expense of 'Preferred Customer' discounts, ;share-holder profits at the expense of research, development and testing, share-holder profits at the expense of employee salaries ; wages, share-holder profits at the expense of 'Independent Authorized Dealer' commission checks, and share-holder profits at the expense of higher quality raw materials, manufacturing and processing facilities, equipment and procedures. ; YEP, that's a big load of reason. ; And that's a big load of higher quality benefits to the customers and the economy. ; Thank you AMSOIL for 'Doing the Right Thing', and keeping things as fair and honest as possible. ; In today's world of soundbites, hype and cliche in advertising, marketing and clicks; an AMSOIL customer will NOT experience an unnecessarily lowered quality product. ; Don't we wish the same was true for so many off-the-shelf-products flooding the shelves of national-big-box-chain-stores?

THIS is why AMSOIL is not sold in stores. ; This is as complete and thorough an explanation as I can imagine will see the light of computer, tablet, or smartphone screen. ; ; Use the links above and below this article to help you find your AMSOIL products that you need. ; Use referral # 5441536 when creating your account before you order.

And if you'd like a TON of more information showing off the higher quality and superiority of AMSOIL products, visit